Brass Attack!

18 Dec

How did you spend your Saturday night, an imaginary interlocutor might ask. Polishing brass, I would respond, deeply satisfied.

The results below took 2 hours and 15 minutes. This is round one of cleaning up the brass on the enormous and historic 12 arm brass chandelier that used to hang in Springfield’s exclusive Colony Club, and is now being repaired by a friend (after I brought it to a pro who said no).

Round two will involve a dremel. Round three more polish. Round four — lacquer, lacquer, lacquer.

Round one:
1) Take out all the brass cleaning and polishing products you’ve collected over the years and scratch your head. Ask yourself, is this some sort of weird OCD issue?

2) Try a few out and find that “Colonel Brassy” is the best at removing most of the ick.

3) Notice that there are big swathes of lacquer that won’t come off.

4) Boil pieces that have recalcitrant lacquer in a solution of boiling water + about 2 tablespoons of baking soda per quart of water

5) Reapply “Colonel Brassy”, rinse, wipe dry with a paper towel.

6) Admire your handiwork.

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